اشتراک گذاری

اشتراک گذاری در شبکه های اجتماعی:

آدرس کوتاه شده‌ی صفحه:


The Fujitsu MB1502, utilizing BI-CMOS technology, is a single chip serial input PLL
synthesizer with pulse-swallow function.
(دمونتاژ شده)
  • کدکالا:
50,000 تومان

The Fujitsu MB1502, utilizing BI-CMOS technology, is a single chip serial input PLL
synthesizer with pulse-swallow function. The MB1502 contains a 1.1GHz two
modulus prescaler that can select of either 64/65 or 128/129 divide ratio, control
signal generator, 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch, programmable reference divider
(binary 14-bit programmable reference counter), 1-bit switch counter, phase
comparator with phase conversion function, charge pump, crystal oscillator, 19-bit
shift register, 18-bit latch, programmable divider (binary 7-bit swallow counter and
binary 11-bit programmable counter) and analog switch to speed up lock up time

دریافت دیتاشیت محصول: Datasheet

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